For me reading a book is like swimming in a lake. You sit at the end of the dock, and look in to the water; you try to see what will happen of you go down in to it. Will you shiver with the cold? Will you feel refreshed? Will it feel surprisingly warm? Who knows, that is the fun part. So you dive in, some books like some lakes feel cold and hard to follow. but perseverance is a must! by keeping at it you can eventually warm up to the book. sometimes the right reading environment is not available, your younger siblings are fighting again, and dad has the music turned up to loud, mom is yelling at the kids to stop fighting, you get the picture. When ever such instances occur to me I simply ignore everyone. ( however mind you keep a sharp ear tuned for mom telling you to do stuff or else)
For me reading fiction is just an extension of life, every hour of every day I am creating little stories in my head. Sometimes they are relevant to life ( such as if I see a girl with a sad expression and a tear streaked face I make up a story that she is sad) and sometimes they are completely irrelevant to life. fiction is simply other people sharing their day dreams, wich is a nobel vocation all in its self.
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