Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mockingbird Motif

When I first started To kill a mockingbird I had no idea what a motif was. I understood the concept but not the application,the mockingbird motif within the story has helped me to understand this. A motif is simply a symbol used to stand for an idea like how the idea of " its a sin to kill a mockingbird"( a bird that has no adverse qualities)equates to that the exploitation of innocents is wrong.
This also helped to further the theme of hypocrisy in the story. the trail of Tom Robinson is the slaying of a mocking bird , Tom Robinson is convicted of a crime he never committed simply because of his skin color. Where as it is suspected that Bob Ewell however is guilty of abuse and rape and is not brought to trial about it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Life Lessons

Throughout my life I do not think there has ever been really one defining moment where some thing my parent has said has stuck with me. there has been how ever two sayings that have been repeated over and over again to me. Both of these sayings where told to me since I was old enough to understand. One is " if you make good choices, you get good consequences. make bad choices you get bad consequences " and the other saying being" all the worlds problems are caused by people being greedy stupid or lazy"
Through out the years whenever I have erred, these fateful quotes ring through my ears . With their plain simplicity they stand true, causing me to feel ashamed of my wrongdoing. They also stand in my mind a a precaution, causing me to often rethink my ways before committing an act. These statements have become in my mind a lingering message to always choose the right and to keep my morals strong.